No but really, I like making smol easily referenced tutorials for all sorts of things! They’re meant to be downloaded and saved or shoved into reference sheets or even stolen and reposted on nefarious instagram accounts. I’ll be uploading them all here on my website but my twitter is usually where they’ll end up first. Please follow me on Twitter if you aren’t already!
I also make mecha stuff! I’m a HUUUUUUGE mecha fan-girl so you’ll be seeing a lot of robots from me too.
My Patreon or Ko-Fi work more like a tip jar, so if you like my stuff and want to make sure my attention stays on making them long enough to see more, you can throw me only whatever you can afford to! Pls don’t throw around money that you don’t have!
If you love my work, or love me, you can reach me on discord, Nora#6308, or DM me on Twitter for the highest likelihood of me seeing it and replying.